Acne and Treatment
Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that affects the capillary units of the skin. Acne has a variety of symptoms including pustules, papules, and cysts. In some extreme cases, acne will leave scars, especially if the proper treatment is not given.
Under normal circumstances, the sebum produced by the sebaceous gland protects our skin. However, when hormonal changes take place (during adolescence, pregnancy, stress etc), this sebum over-secretes, and the skin becomes greasier. This, combined with dead skin cells, contributes to the creation of pustules which in turn create bumps and vesicles (blister-like).
While acne is more likely to appear on the face, it is possible to affect other areas of the body such as the back, shoulders, and chest areas.
The main causes of acne are:
- Genetics
- Hormonal Changes
- Bad or lacking skincare
- Stress
Unfortunately, acne has negative effects on one’s appearance, resulting in lowered confidence and a psychological burden.
It’s imperative that acne therapy begins from its very first stages of appearing on the skin.
A good skincare routine is recommended, face cleansing twice a day with a hypoallergenic facewash, usage of a scrub/peeling product once a day, and usage of appropriate creams and skin ointments.
In’s collection you will be able to find and combine the following products for an effective acne treatment:
Combo #1 Phytopeel & Purifying mask
Combo #2 Phytosap, Scrub & Purifying mask
*For a more effective acne treatment, contact your dermatologist.